Friday, August 22, 2014

Fly Me to the Moon 7.24.14

We love the idea of going to the moon, seeing the stars sparkle in the sky, and celebrating all the marvelous and magical things that happen in the evenings (lightening bugs…although they have them in Colorado they don’t glow here…or so the internet has led me to believe). Either way, there is something magical about the evening when the starts are glistening, and the moon is bright, and we wanted to celebrate that with our residents…and the fact that this is the month that we celebrate first landing on the moon so many years ago.

One might question how an event like this should be celebrated, and we’re happy to tell you that we’ve figured it out.  First, and most importantly, MOON PIES must be consumed, because they’re delightful, they have the word “moon” in their name, and lastly they bring us to a calmer time, when the world was less busy with electronics, and gadgets that never put our minds to rest, and we wanted to channel that time in history. Next, we made a rocket ship cut out, and took cheesy pictures (because frankly, why wouldn’t we!) And some people associate cheese to look like the moon, so taking cheesy pictures isn’t too far a stretch (is it?) We played some moon games (like mounds of foil, which we referred to as moon rocks and trying to get it in the rocket ship windows)…then we also had a musician who played moon music (or at least that’s how we’re going to refer to it this time, because it fits our theme). Either way, we had fun because we believe that we can make things fun and with that mindset, we can! Come see the Juniper Difference!

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